FIMB Canada organized this event under the auspices of the Oath of Humanity©. The round table was programmed at the Peace Month in Montreal. Brian Bronfman talked first and introduced the Peace Month in Montreal, an initiative of the Peace Network for Social Harmony.
The speakers, namely Lucie Lapierre, Canadian Liaison office of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Art of Living Foundation Canada, Anne-Christelle Le Hir, representative for Brahma Kumaris Montreal and Christophe Roux-Dufort, Ph.D., founder of Art’as Canada, have provided convergent ideas: Peace starts from within; service, help to others is a path leading to Peace…
We thank our partners who made this round table a success: AISA Canada, Art’as Canada, Enpuku-ji Zen Centre of Montreal, International Day of Peace (IDP), Art of Living Foundation and Émergence, Centre Émergence of Brahma Kumaris of Montreal. Thank you also to our patron Richard Cummings for his presence.