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Nassar_Samir-Biographie-sermentdelhumanite2024 v6
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Ronya-Biographie-sermentdelhumanite2024 v3
SUPPORTTenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama His Holiness supports FIMB's noble goals for a better world. | Guéshé Dawa1933-2020 Former abbot of the Dalai Lama Monastery in Montreal, has signed the Oath of Humanity © for 1,800 people. | Lama Zopa Rinpoche1946-2023 FPMT Spiritual Director (Foundation for the Préservation of the Mahayana Tradition) (Tibet) |
Pierre Rabhi1938-2021 Initiator of the Colibris movement. Writer, philosopher and speaker (France) | Cheikh Khaled BentounesSpiritual leader of the Alâwiyya Sufi Order Founding President of AISA ONG Internationale and of the Muslim Scouts of France Founding member of the French Council of Muslim Worship Initiateur de la Journée internationale du vivre ensemble en paix | Valériane BernardBrahma Kumaris representative at the United Nations, Geneva |
Simon ConnallyDeputy Grand Prior Association Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem (OSMTJ) | Philippe BENGUIGUINational President Association Zakhor Pour la Mémoire (Zakhor For Memory) | Mikael ZayatFondateur de l’académie Jardin de vie À signé pour 12 personnes (Canada) |
Deve GolitinMusician | Julia DrouetModel, actress, sustainable influencer | Michel ArmengaudMarine Officer, Speaker for Rosae-Crucis AMORC |
Thomas d AnsembourgAuthor, speaker, certified trainer: self-knowledge and citizen interiority | Eloï ZayatDirecteur de ZAYAT AROMA À signé pour 20 000 personnes (Canada) | Dr A.T. AriyaratneFounder Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement (Sri Lanka) A signé pour 1 million de personnes |
Gregory MutomboConférencier (France) | Odile Geoffroy GibsonPrésidente de l'association artistique "Espace Tribuche" | Rachid DjouaherPrésident de l'association AISA Canada. Il a signé pour 15 personnes (Canada) |
Jucelino Nóbrega Da LuzEnseignant, conférencier, écologiste (Brésil) | Eli BatalionCo-fondateur de YidLife Crisis A signé: pour 2 personnes (Canada) | Alexandra E. CadarMembre du CA de Terre sacrée A signé pour 810 personnes (Canada) |
Rossana BruzzonePrésidente de « Montréal la plus heureuse » A signé pour 42 personnes (Canada) | Jean RivestDirecteur de l'association Réseau Vox Populi Il a signé pour 20 000 personnes. (Canada) | Nedjim BouizzoulLeader of Labess, a Quebecer music group of Algerian origin. Has signed up for 100,000 persons (Canada) |
Guéshé Lobsang SamtenSenior teacher and spiritual master, Paramita Center of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Montreal (Canada). Has signed up for 1,200 persons | Gisèle HouleCoordinator – Brahma Kumaris Montreal. Has signed up for 50 persons (Canada) | Ken RohlaNatural health educator President, Fresh and Alive (USA) |
Brian BronfmanPresident of the Brian Bronfman Family Foundation (Canada) | Lucie LapierreLiaison Officer in Canada, Office of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Director, Office of Communications, The Art of Living Canada Foundation | André MichelNational President of Artists for Peace, & painter and ethnographer and sculptor who has dedicated his talent and his life to raise awareness of Aboriginal people Has signed for 700 people |
Eric Le ResteNational Coordinator Brahma Kumaris Canada | Chödpa Lama RinpocheLama (Canada) | Eugène EbodéWriter, literary and francophone chronicler, also a teacher |
Shaykh Hamdi Ben AissaFounder and director of the Sanad Collective Institute. He signed for 12 000 people. | Armelle BelBrahma Kumaris representative in France Has signed up for 180 persons (France) | Djamilat Ali SoilihiPresident of the MTSACHIYA Foundation in Comoros |
T8aminik (Dominique) RankinAlgonquin Hereditary Chief Confederator of the Kina8at Organization (Canada) | Frère Antony Louiz ArukulasseriCapuchin Friar, rector of the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Saint Padre Pio (Canada) | Suchetas MahasthitaShanti Dham Ashram Has signed up for 200 persons (India) |
Auras WayesGeneral Director of Al-Houda School, Has signed up for 50 persons (Canada) | Abbé Jacques DorélienPastor of the parish Marie-reine-des-cœurs (Canada) | Yves AngellozPresident of World Peace Games Has signed up for 2 persons (France) |
Idir, Hamid Cheriet1945-2020 Songwriter and Singer (France) | Imam Mortada Mohamed AliAssociation Al-Khoei Paris Has signed up for 400 persons (France) | Dieyenaba SeneChairwoman of APD association pour la Promotion et pour le développement Member of the Senegal national Assembly representative of the Senegalese Diaspora abroad |
Caroline TebernePsychotherapist | Christian BordesIndependent researcher certified by CRIIREM Co-author of the book Les maladies des ondes, expert on electromagnetic radiation (France) | Catherine HabertGestalt therapist (France) |
Vénérable Mogchok RinpochéTibetan Buddhist master of the Shangpa Kagyu and Gelugpa lineages (France) | Jonathan GethingsGrand Prior, The Knights Templar of Ireland, the Grand Priory of Kilcloggan (Ireland) | Jean-Louis FargierCo-creator of Bio Music One (Royaume Uni – France) |
Natalina LitvinovaPresident of the World Wide Fund for development « Birth of world » (Russia) | Ezéchiel Zossou & Marie-Thérèse KwadzoRespectively Executive Director exécutif and Coordinator of CSPI (Togo) | Arouna Traore) Relay Point FIMB ORODARA in BURKINA FASO President of CCIDS Centre Culturel d’Intégration et de Développement Has signed up for 1,059 persons |
Pakoune & Michel GarnierSolo singer and composer (France) | Claude ParadisPriest, Notre-Dame de la Rue Has signed up for 500 persons (Canada) | Philippe Pozzo di Borgothe French film The Intouchables is based on his life (Morocco) |
Geneviève DelpechWritter (France) | Christophe Roux-DufortFounder Art’As (Canada) | Patricia MontaudFounder of Les Amis de Gitta Mallasz (France) Has signed up for 24 members |
Bernard MenezActor/director (France) Has signed up for 2 persons | Chintan PandyaManager Fanatika, international theatre company - Ahmedabad (India) Has signed up for 2 persons | Ku Rajni VyasMayor of Dharamsala Municipal Corporation (India) |
Krooti MazmudarCoordinator, Youth wing - Brahma Kumaris – Ahmedabad (India) Has signed up for 300 members | Belkacem AmaroucheRepresenting of the " Circle of Awakening " - Trainer and jurist specialized in European law (Belgium) | Mendel SamamaRabbi of Strasbourg Representative of the Conference of European Rabbis to the Council of Europe (France) |
Abha BhaiyaDirector Founder of Jagori Rural Charitable Trust National Coordinator One Billion Rising, (India) | Sanjeeta Singh NegiPresident, FIMB Gujarat (India) | Philippe WeberLecturer and coach |
Igor et Grichka Bogdanoff1949-2021 Animateurs et Producteurs de télévision (France) | Fawzia KoofiMember of Afghanistan Parliament Chairperson of Women, Civil Society and High Rights Commission (Afghanistan) | Revue RefletsFrance |
Imam Sayed Hassan QazwiniFounder and Spiritual Leader of the Islamic Institute of America (USA) | Docteur Jean-Jacques CharbonierDoctor Jean-Jacques Charbonier Intensive care anesthetist, Writer, Lecturer (France) | Bernard MontaudFounder of Art'as (France) Has signed up for 149 members |
Venerable Lama GyourmeDirector of the Vajradhara-Ling and Kagyu-Dzong Congregations, Bhutanese musician (France) | Mgr Samir NassarMaronite Archbishop of Damascus (Syria) | Jacques SaloméWriter, Founder of the Méthode E.S.P.E.R.E.© (France) |
Marc VellaMusician (France) | Anne GivaudanWriter, Lecturer (France) | Alain VaillancourtPastor of Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral (Canada) |
Richard FilionGeneral Director Dawson College (Canada) | Suraj SadanPainter / Founder International Mahatma Gandhi Foundation (Canada) | Rimas Alvarez KairelisInternational rugby player |
Gopal KrishnamurthyTeacher at Brockwood Park School (Royaume-Uni) | Cyril TricotFilm Director (France) | Jason SimardBuddhist monk - Tibetan tradition, Person in charge of the Paramita Center in Montreal (Canada) Has signed up for 500 persons |
Rob GreenfieldAdventurer, activist, humanitarian, and dude making a difference (USA) | Sylvain PechAstrologist, trainer and consultant for over 20 years, founder of the Analytical astrology® (France) | Visaka DharmadasaChairperson, Association of War Affected Women (Sri Lanka) Has signed up for 2,000 persons |
Vénérable Dagpo RimpotchéVenerable Dagpo Rinpoche (orthographe en anglais) : Master of Tibetan Buddhism, Founder of Ganden Ling Institute, Guepele Institute, and Entraide Franco-Tibétaine | Ajarn Sulak SivaraksaInternational Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) (Thailand) | Sidi Chérif Zoubir TijaniDescendent and representative of Tariqa Tidjaniya (Morocco) Has signed for 350 million members |
Philippe DesbrossesScientist and writer, a pioneer of organic agriculture in Europe (France) | FIMB | Hamid DemmouPresident, AISA ONG Internationale (France) |
Thubten WangchenTibetan Parliament in-Exile - Europe Director President of Casa del Tibet foundation in Barcelona (Spain) | Dorjee NgodupRepresentative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Office of Tibet (Switzerland) | P.V. RajagopalFounder Ekta Parishad (India) Has signed 250,000 members |
Nicholas BarlaChief of Indigenous Peuples Forum, Odisha (IPFO) (India) Has signed up for 10,000 members | Marc LevalJournalist, Radio host (France) | Pierre BarnériasFilm director T Prod (France) |
Marie-Andrée BertinFounder, World Organization of Prenatal Education Associations (OMAEP) (France) | Aminata M'BayePresident, Les Amis de Maguette Thiene (France-Senegal) | Docteur Christian PeyratPaediatrician, Neonatologist, Expert witness in courts for child abuse (France) |
Laurent GounelleFormer consultant & trainer in human relations, writer, lecturer (France) | Jill Carr-HarrisThe International Gandhian Institute for Non-violence and Peace, IGINP Mahila Manch (women wing) (India) Ekta Parishad | Patrick ViveretEssayist, Founder of Dialogues en Humanité (France) |
Evelyne LemoigneFormer President, Association Nationale pour l’Education Prénatale (ANEP-France) | ConradWriter (France) | Pr Konstantin KorotkovBiophysicist (Russia) |
Mintze van der VeldeSecretary general Lucis Trust (Geneva, Switzerland) Has signed up for 15 members | Jean-Philippe BrébionBioanalogie International Inc. (France-Canada) | Thérèse Neroud(France) |
Laurent EspinosaCertified professional coach (France) Has signed up for 10 members | Nicole DronLecturer (France) Has signed up for 2 members | Elaine KibaroSinger, writer |
Gheorghe AntonMember of the Board of Directors, World Organization of Prenatal Education Associations (OMAEP) (Switzerland) Has signed up for 1,250 persons | Marc de MuynckLes Enfants du Dragon (Vietnam) | Sua Excelência Reverendissima ChrisóArcebispo Ortodoxo do Rio de Janeiro et Olinda-Recife (Brazil) |
FOCOLARIRio de Janeiro (Brazil) Has signed up for 4 members |
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